Saturday, August 22, 2009

Its a little boy!!!

We are sooo excited and cannot wait to meet him!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Baby Update

Yesterday I had my 16 week appointment. I have not gained any weight mostly due to the fact I lost so much weight in the beginning. I heard the heartbeat for the first time, we would have heard it at my 12 week appointment but s/he was hiding so we did a little ultrasound and saw the baby and heartbeat then. But yesterday when I heard the hearbeat it was a healthy 154 beats per minute! We have our BIG ultrasound on August 21st. And baby willing we will find out if it is a boy or girl! I would post a picture but I do not even look preggers yet! Maybe in a couple more weeks!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well Joseph and I have a big surprise to share! We found out about a month ago we are pregnant! I am due January 11th, 2010. Right now I am feeling pretty blah! I am 8 and half weeks right now and my next appointment is on July 2nd. There we will here the heartbeat and go for an ultrasound!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We have a new member to our family!!!

On Tuesday night when I showed up to Joseph's great grandma's to spend the evening with her there was this cute kitten on her porch! Well the day lady walked out and picked him up. I said, "awww how cute. Is this your new baby?". She precede to tell me no she just found him and she could not take him home or take him to a shelter b/c it was to late (6pm). Well, I couldn't let him just stay outside. So I brought him in his great grandma's and he preceded home with me. I figured I would just keep him for the night and take him to a shelter/ put him up for adoption. Well plans changed. Joseph and I both feel in love. So we have named him Jack. I took him to the vet today and he weights a whole 2lbs and they are guessing he is about seven weeks old. He is really healthy for a stray kitty. We are really happy to have him!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lets Play a game!

Amanda's Game Rules and regulations: People who have already won may play and not have to repost but I will check your blog to see if you have posted. Also, since I'm not the craftiest of people, I reserve the right to buy you something instead of making it, if I wish.
Lucky YOU!
The first 5 people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you.This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!2- What I create will be just for you.3- It'll be done this year.4- You have no clue what it's going to be.It may be a story. It may be a picture of myself, or a handmade piece of artwork for your living room. I may sew you something. I may bake you something. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!5- I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.The catch?Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!

Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it! LETS PLAY!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow, Snow and Lots of Snow

Well today is our first day without snow! It snowed it snowed for a good day and a half. We got about a little over a foot give or take. Luckily the college was smart enough to call off school yesterday and then today, of course they do wait till 5am to call school off but that is okay at least they text message you! Thank goodness b/c I do not think we could have gotten out of the parking lot for class till about noon when the snow blow finally came by! So Joseph and I have just enjoyed the time together relaxing and working on school work. Okay doing more relaxing then school work. But least now I am finally caught up on laundry till tomorrow! LOL!!! Tonight I am going to cook pork chops and mashed potatoes for Joseph! He is my biggest fan! Wait oh yeah my only fan, as far as cooking goes! My birthday went well! We ate at the casino at a very very nice restaurant called Sleek. They served the best corn I have ever tasted in my life. It had Parmesan cheese and creme, almost like a cream corn! It was AMAZING! I had fake Kobe beef. Fake as in it was made in America and not Japan. It was delicious and very very tender. Kobe beef is beef sent over from Japan. These cow are on a very very special diet, drink Saki twice a day, and are massaged for tenderness. I guess Americans just do not do it as well but was still AMAZING! I did not care for the casino as I felt I was wasting money that I could be actually buying things with so we did not stay long! I am currently suppose to be writing my essay to get into the school of business, Wish me luck!!! This weekend is the Super Bowl and will be going to Joseph's uncle in BFE and have some great food and a good time!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Turning 21!!!!

Well Friday is the last birthday I will ever look forward to! After that it is all down hill! Okay maybe not that bad but really no perks! For my birthday Joseph and I have decided we will do dinner and then go to the casino. I think that will be a lot of fun just to say that I have be gambling! LOL! I really do not plan on getting drunk because we are saving that for Saturday! HEHE! Saturday I am going to get my hair cut and colored birthday treat to my self! :) Then on Saturday night we are going to watch Joseph's step sisters fiance play in his band and this is when Joseph's mom will try to out drink Joseph and I will have a couple of drinks legally ;)! Then Sunday a nice family dinner with Joseph's mom. Probably does not seem like every ones dream birthday but I think it will be just perfect for me! And I got my first Birthday girl from Joseph, RobinHood! I love collecting Disney movies and we dropped by Circuit City on Saturday because they are going out of business and I got 101 Dalmatians, Sleeping beauty, and Dumbo for 20% off! So my collection is building! Hope yall have a GREAT WEEKEND!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The new thing!

Well, I believe having a blog is the "new cool" thing. So I figured since we have family near and far this would be a great way to keep everyone updated! Currently Joseph is in his Senior year at Southern Illinois University Edwards (SIUE) studying Accounting and Computer Information systems. We are hoping for him the graduate next summer. He is currently working at the college as a student accountant and really enjoys this job b/c they work around his school schedule. I am also going to SIUE and studying Business Administration and in my sophomore year! Expected graduation is Spring 2011. I am currently not working since being laid off in December by Conway freight due to the economy! I have enjoyed my time off but ready to go back to work and make some money again!!!!! I am interviewing for a job at the college some day next week and continue to watch Joseph's great grandma who is almost 95 years old!!!!! My 21st birthday is coming up on Friday the 23rd! Cannot wait! Well here is my first blog I am sure there will be plenty more to update later!