Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We have a new member to our family!!!

On Tuesday night when I showed up to Joseph's great grandma's to spend the evening with her there was this cute kitten on her porch! Well the day lady walked out and picked him up. I said, "awww how cute. Is this your new baby?". She precede to tell me no she just found him and she could not take him home or take him to a shelter b/c it was to late (6pm). Well, I couldn't let him just stay outside. So I brought him in his great grandma's and he preceded home with me. I figured I would just keep him for the night and take him to a shelter/ put him up for adoption. Well plans changed. Joseph and I both feel in love. So we have named him Jack. I took him to the vet today and he weights a whole 2lbs and they are guessing he is about seven weeks old. He is really healthy for a stray kitty. We are really happy to have him!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! He's just adorable! He looks like a cat that we used to have named Oreo.
